Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Charity Event

Last night I had the honor to play the piano during cocktail hour for the Cystic Fibrosis Charity Celebrity Golf Event at a Country Club.

It was held at the Club House and on the main floor was a Beautiful Black Bösendofer Grand Piano that I got to play. You can see it behind the couch there in the picture.

I played songs from the 1940's that I think is perfect for the cocktail hour. I enjoyed having my picture taken several times, during the event, while I was playing.

I kept my eye out for celebrities, but they were all golfers and I don't know too much about golfing. The only celebrity golfer I would recognize is Phil Mickelson, because I met him a couple of years ago during an Exxon Mobil commercial shoot.

It was all and all a quiet evening and I appreciated all the compliments I received that evening.

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